Houston/Austin, Texas, US
I don't think many people think of Houston as a modern city, but this place wouldn't exist without the twentieth century inventions of the automobile, the air conditioner and inexpensive energy. Once the oil booms and the highways that came about those arrived this place started growing. And when indoor climate control became ubiquitous this town exploded. Houston historically has had little to no zoning. This is a place built by profiteers and designed by engineers. One could call it ugly, but that misses the point. We get other things out of this city then aesthetics.
Houston is one of the most egalitarian places I can think of. You have anything you want or be anyone you want, just got to have the money. And if you don't have that you can still kick it and have a good time being yourself. Lots of immigrants here. There is an African music store down the street from a good place to get pupusas and my favorite Italian/Argentinean restaurant. No joke, I took an around the world trip and I couldn't wait to get home to get some international food.
And while other cities of 4 million plus get huge hype machines about their art and music scenes, one could have a sparkling personality and be talented and no one will care. No corporate money, no big galleries looking for new talent, no music industry reps looking for the next new old thing. So if you do art and music here and do it well it is just off blood, sweat and love. We have some talented folks here n the underground and those that decide to leave and do it full time somewhere else have a tendency to do well.
So why do people live here? Because it is comfortable. Living cheap and easy amongst unpretentious folk that care is something that can't be done just anywhere. Coming back has been good and I have been getting hugs, eating meals and hanging out with some of my favorite people. And while trying to get home late at night riding dirty switching 6 lanes on 610 to get to i-10, I can't help but getting reflective. I left here because things were so comfortable, which isn't the worst way to live. While I am glad I don't live here any more, this was a great place to live.