Bay Area, California, US
In my 9 months out here I really have enjoyed it. No, I haven't gotten to go camping, or becmone a regular in a bar in the Mission or even run Bay to Breakers this year... Rigors of grad school aside, it is nice being out here. Today the weather is awesome. Perhaps that's why folks drop mad loot to live out here. For the money I drop for my place in the 'hood, I could have had a palace in Houston. A palace with fountains and stuff.

I am sure you want substance in this first blog post, but you are out of luck. But stay tuned... This is where I'll be collecting toughts and images to share with you all as I make my round the world trip. Any of you know anybody in Portugal?
Ooh, round the world trip sounds awesome! I don't know anyone in Portugal, but if you go to Denmark or Belguim in your travels, I can introduce you to friends of mine who live there. -- Tahira
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