Hsinchu, Taiwan
I'm at a KTV in Hsinchu at 4:48 in the Thursday morning wondering exactly how cracked out I will be 12 hours from now when I finish my tour of the Hsinchu Science Park which will be done in Mandarin. Before I ask probing and informative questions trying to decipher the inner working of the Taiwan Semiconductor industry, I have..
Sorry, Hard to Handle came up on the queue. It was my pick. We got another mini-keg and hour left. The tour starts in 3 hours.
Most of my friends here will be leaving in the next 72 hours. I have two weeks left. It is no fun doing Karaoke by myself so I think I will be chilling and getting my head together for the rest of this trip. Thailand looks amazing and I am pumped to go there. I am plotting the course now... I have been waiting a minute to sit on a beach and chill out. These are the things dreams are made of.
The next 2 weeks will be the last time in the next few months I will have a little space and privacy before the road becomes my home. I am seriously trashed enough to do the DJ Drunk thing and make wicki-wicki sounds to Taiwanese pop songs. I have had better moments.
Yeah, life on the road I think will be good for me. If nothing else, it'll force the packrat out of my system. I have 2 bags; that'll be all I own. My eye is out for art, music and design and it is everywhere. It is good that ideas can be transferred via 1s and 0s. My flikr account is my souvenir for this trip.
OK, I am going to drink more until this whole staying out till dawn thing becomes a good idea. As ¢Ò¢Û£A¡@
Oh, yes. I did update my blog from a Karaoke bar. I am a huge dork.

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