Bratislava, Slovakia
Where does the money from this place come from? It this a smaller version of Moscow? Factories and block apartments surrounding an ancient castle and an ultramodern historic district? NYC/Miami style lounges down the street from doggie accessory shops? And this a quick tram ride to blue collar worker hotels and suburban shopping malls? Why did this former communist state have higher standards of living then the EU average when it joined? I have been negligent in reading the history of the places I travel to.
After missing the train from Budapest we get into the hostel late. Wandered around a little and check out the sights (Slovak beer) and then went back. I am freezing at this point since I don't own anything warmer then a long sleeve shirt. Eastern Europe can make a man get a coughing. Hung out for a bit and then called it an early night.
Next day it was wandering around the castle and the river. The view of the modern architecture, old churches, smoke stacks and the blue Danube from a place defending this area for centuries was... I wonder who the best contemporary Slovak novelist are, because this is a place with stories. I am from Bangladesh and live in Texas and California. I like warmth. I bought a coat.
You'd think that my run in with the law in Bulgaria would wise me up to that fact that transportation police look for folks on trams with backpacks going to and from the train station in former Eastern Bloc countries. Yeah, me too but I got a 35 Euro fine to prove we are both wrong.

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